Opening of the special exhibition »The Baltic Sea«

The Baltic Sea coast was the most popular holiday destination in the GDR. Most holidaymakers stayed in the FDGB holiday homes, others in company bungalows or on campsites. It was a great place to spend a few days and experience little adventures. But if you wanted to enjoy the sound of the waves in the evening, you could easily be confronted by border guards who harshly pointed out signs prohibiting you from entering the beach at night. The coast was a border area and was strictly guarded. GDR holidaymakers looked longingly after the ferries that left Rostock or Saßnitz for Denmark and Sweden. At the exhibition opening, Jan-Hinnerk Antons will talk about what the Baltic Sea meant to the GDR.

Sören Marotz, Exhibition Director DDR Museum, Berlin

Dr Jan-Hinnerk Antons, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg 

Picture Opening Special Exhibition Baltic Sea

24 July 2024, 6 pm

Conference Room DDR Museum
Sankt Wolfgang-Str. 2
10178 Berlin

Here you can see the location.

The event will take place in German.

The event will be recorded and made available on the DDR Museum YouTube channel. Click here to view past events.