Workshop »35 Jahre Mauerfall – Haltet die Freiheit hoch!«

To mark the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, there will be a poster exhibition throughout the city. A thousand signs will be erected along the former route of the Wall on 9 November 2024. These signs and posters will deal with the central themes of freedom and democracy and will bear the motto »Haltet die Freiheit hoch!« (uphold the freedom).

We invite you and your family to take part. As part of a workshop, you may create a poster in DIN A1 format with your own personal message. Drawing pens, paper and other materials are available. There are no limits to your artistic ideas. Join us and design one of the signs in our conference room.


A short introduction will be given by our scientific director Dr Stefan Wolle.


Further information on the poster campaign can be found here: KULTURPROJEKTE BERLIN


Please register with us by 20 September:


Admission is free.

»35 Jahre Mauerfall – Haltet die Freiheit hoch!«

24 September 2024, 6 pm

Konferenzraum DDR Museum
Sankt Wolfgang-Str. 2
10178 Berlin

Here you can see the exact location.