Illustrated Book »Everyday life in the GDR in 200 objects«

Everyday objects and consumer goods were more important than they are today. They were used for longer and repaired more often. While the West was referred to as a »throw-away society«, in the East we could speak of a »save society«. In this book, we bring the past into the present. The detailed photographs by Thorsten Heideck and Adrian Serini and the texts by historian and GDR expert Dr Stefan Wolle offer a broad spectrum of life in the GDR.

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The facts

Title: »Everyday life in the GDR in 200 objects«

Publisher: Quirin Graf Adelmann v.A. | Gordon Freiherr von Godin | Dr Stefan Wolle

Publisher: DDR Museum Verlag GmbH

Photos: Thorsten Heideck | Adrian Serini

Publication date and availability: 1 April 2023

ISBN: 978-3-939801-51-1

Objects illustrated: approx. 200

Scope: 256 pages

Price: 20,00 Euro

Print run: 4,000 copies

Your contact

Simone Uthleb, Press Officer, Tel. +49 30 847 123 7-47,